Friday, September 7, 2007

Norway: Cars neither "green" nor "clean"

OSLO (Reuters) - No car can be "green," "clean" or "environmentally friendly," according to some of the world's strictest advertising guidelines set to enter into force in Norway next month.

"Cars cannot do anything good for the environment except less damage than others," Bente Oeverli, a senior official at the office of the state-run Consumer Ombudsman, told Reuters on Thursday.

Full story

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Next we need laws to make them show driving as it really is. Instead of a fast car on an empty highway in a clean and pretty wilderness, how about a guy angry stuck in traffic, or talking to a mechanic, "we'll have to replace the engine, that's $10,000," or perhaps some people mutilated after a crash...
